Download Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3.0.2 For Windows 10

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Free Download Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3 full version standalone offline installer for Windows it is an Adobe Photoshop compatible Plug-In filter that automatically removes the shine from skin.

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Overview of Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3 Benefits

The cold white light of the camera flash creates an unnatural shininess on skin. ShineOff automatically transforms faces and skin areas to a soft and natural looking appearance. This patent pending technology does not remove luster from the lips nor the sparkle from the teeth or eyes.

ShineOff is a patent pending technology that looks for the glare of the flash and other light sources on human skin. ShineOff will automatically transforms faces and skin areas to a soft and natural looking texture. This patent pending technology does not remove luster from the lips nor the sparkle from the teeth or eyes.

ShineOff has a slider to adjust the amount of the skin shine effect removed from your images. Simply move the slider to achieve the desired effect. You can choose between Less and More. A value can also be entered as a percentage in the range from 0 to 150. The default is 75.

Overview of Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3 Features

    • Create a ShineOff Action in Photoshop
    • Using the Batch command (Photoshop)
    • ShineOff provides the maximum effect with only one application

Technical Details and System Requirements

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and higher versions Photoshop Elements 2 and higher versions PaintShop Pro 7 and higher versions

Operating Systems:
Windows 10, 8, 7 (64-bit)

Image modes:
RGB, 8 bits and 16 bits

Memory requirement:
Minimum recommended is: 1GB

Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3.0.2 Download Latest Free

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Download Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3.0.2 Free for Everyone

Download Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3.0.2 for Windows Free

Imadio ShineOff Photoshop Plug-In 3.0.2 Download Free and Simple

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