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Download the free offline installer of free Skinfiner for Windows. It can soften and improve the skin the easiest and fastest way.
General Skinfiner Presentation
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Skin tone adjustments help to improve skin tone, change skin color, adjust skin conclusion with shadows and highlights, adjust the shine of the skin and make the skin look healthy and radiant. It is delivered with a predefined predefate for single click purposes. You can also create your own preset adapted to your specific requirements. Lot processing makes it possible to treat several photos simultaneously.
Skinfiner is completely managed by color. Therefore, it will correctly display the colors in your image, regardless of the color space you use in the workflow. And you can convert the edited result to any specified color profile.
SkinFiner E-System-Tergets “> Technical Details and System Requirements
- So Accepted: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 (only 64 bits)
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